The Adventure has Begun!

I can not even share my excitement! For everyone that has been supporting me until this moment, thank you so much. If you are new to my blog, this is when it will get exciting. The BETA stage of my blog is over. At 12:09 (Mountain Time) our departure time, this blog has now changed to the ALPHA stage. From now on, this is how my blog is going to work:

-All of my journey will be blogged.

-Car rides will not be written much about; just the exciting stuff.

-I am now a full- time blogger.

There is so much more than this, I just wanted to show the giant parts of the trip that might affect everyone most. Wow, I can’t even BELIEVE how crazy the beginning of today went! The day started at 6:00… not! It took a long time but once the camper was finished, all of e stress was relieved ( it took so long to pack up and get everything needed out of the house and where it needed to be). Eventually, we  got on the road after saying goodbyes to friends online and they wouldn’t stop saying they were so happy for us! A little after the drive started, however… something in the hood of the car went BANG! We slowed down and stopped on the side of the road, and found out that a pipe that had been broken before had fully broke off. Very luckily, it was very clean and it was only broke at 2 locations, so it could be easily fixed. After that we got back on the road again! With an amazing amount of scenery everywhere, it wasn’t hard to get comfortable!

35 thoughts on “The Adventure has Begun!

  1. Hhhh, most welcome, loved your posts, can find a lot fun and interesting things in yours. Keep it up, don’t quit writing, i feel you have a great in writing books which it talks about adventurous staff, you have such a brilliant future to become such a great writer , I would love to see books written under your name Logan Mccorvey and being published around the world, again keep the great work up. You such a unique person with a great tactics in life can be found inside of yourself. Don’t ignore it, it’s there, and find it, and then work on it, you will succeed definitely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is so awesome… a full time blogger you are! Isn’t it great how everything from the spill to the vehicle problem resolved well. We are so excited for you. We can relate to what is going on in your heart. You did it!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad you finally resolved your vehicle issues and get on the road! Please do take pictures and post it on your blog, because I am excited to read your journey and travel through your lens as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Crazy Horse Memorial | Cross Country life

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