Travelers Award

I have seen a lot of different awards created by some unknown user at the beginning of the chain so I have decided to create an all-travelers award. This is just for fun so you do not need to be discouraged for not being nominated. I would like to see how many blogs are travel like mine so please only nominate people that have mostly travel in their blog. You can nominate as many people as you want that blog about their travels. With that out of the way, here are the rules that I have set up for this award:

1. Leave a link to your nominator's Home Page

2. Answer all of the following questions to receive the Award

3. Use the official blog emblem as your cover photo

4. Only nominate Travel Blogs

5. Create 13 new questions for your Nominees

Anyway, now that the official rules are out of the way, here are the questions for my very first group of Travelers:

1. Where is the most amazing place you have ever been?

2. How many continents have you been to?

3. Have you ever lived in another country than your current one?

4. What is the worst native food that you have ever tasted on vacation?

5. What is the best native food that you have ever tasted on vacation?

6. Where is the last place you vacationed?

7. What is the longest vacation you have ever been on?

8. What was the most disappointing place you have been

9. What is the longest time you have been in the car at Once

10. If you could take two people with you on vacation who would you take?

11. What is the best hotel you have stayed in?

12. Have you visited every country on your continent?

13. (Last but Not Least) What would your Dream Vacation include?

And now for my favorite travel bloggers that I want to nominate as the pioneers:


Rose Hunter

The Italian Guest



I enjoy all of your blogs so much, thank you for sharing your adventures with me. That is all I have to say about that, I hope to see some of my readers possibly create their own award as well, thank you all so much for reading! PLEASE also go and check out my nominees if you are looking for a great travel post to read! Stay tuned until next for some more of my magnificent adventures or another post like this one that may apply to you!


IF YOU ARE NEW to my blog, and you would like to learn a little more about my long adventure, come to my ABOUT section by clicking HERE

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13 thoughts on “Travelers Award

  1. This is a wonderful idea. I don’t write about travel but I would like to nominate wanderlustplusone. The blogger has recently done an excellent series of posts on traveling with kids in Japan. The bloggers son always accompanies on the travels. I think he is 10 or 12 years old.

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